Did you recently receive a notice in your mail about your drinking water? The city government is required to notify you if there is a contaminant over the healthy limit. It is important that you educate yourself about this beyond what the Franklin, TN city government is saying. The Franklin water service violated federal drinking water standards by using too much disinfectant byproduct. The city of Franklin, TN claims that the area of Carr Avenue near Columbia Avenue is affected. This is due to poor circulation within the water lines. It is part of federal regulations that the government is required to notify you, but make sure the information is accurate. It is important that you call Aqua Pure Solutions today to schedule a free Franklin, TN water test so that you can be sure that your home and loved ones are not affected.
What are trihalomethanes (TTHMs)?
The City of Franklin water company tests water quality four quarters a year. This is a requirement by law. The TTHMs were over the legal limit the last time water was tested. This results from chlorination of water to reduce contaminants. In this case, the water was over chlorinated. This can be especially harmful if organic matter reacts with chlorine disinfectants.
How do TTHMs affect health?
Trihalomethanes can affect health in very serious ways. High levels of TTHMs have been linked to cancer and adverse reproductive outcomes. Other research studies have linked Trihalomethanes to nervous system depression, liver damage, and cardiac depression. These are serious health concerns, and should be evaluated immediately.
How can Aqua Pure Solutions help you with the Franklin water contamination issue?
Call Aqua Pure Solutions today for a free water test. We are local to Middle Tennessee and are prepared to handle specific water quality issues. We will test your water so you not only know if you have TTHMs contaminating your water, but any other contaminants that may be lurking in your drinking water. Then we can customize a Kinetico water filtration system to fit your home’s specific needs. It is important to identify and customize your water needs for your unique situation. The news of Franklin, Tennessee’s water contamination should serve as a wake up call to protect your family for harmful things in your water.